Blue Ant Trilogy

Blue Ant Trilogy

By William Gibson

Explores how fast tech might boil from brand new to obsolete. How, much like the Cubans keeping cars running from refashioned scraps of metal and hope, there would always be those waiting to rejig, rebuild and make use of that which the crowds at the cutting edge so readily and thoughtlessly discard

Books In This Book Series

  • Pattern Recognition
    Pattern Recognition Advertising consultant Cayce Pollard, who reacts to logos and advertising as if to an allergen, contracts with the marketing firm Blue Ant.
  • Spook Country
    Spook Country Follows Hollis Henry, a former member of the early 1990s cult band The Curfew and a freelance journalist.
  • Zero History
    Zero History Hollis Henry and Milgrim find themselves in London working for Hubertus Bigend, unaware that their lives previously crossed in Spook Country.